Lettings Fees
Landlord Fees
- This Schedule shows all fees and charges of Next Property prior to the start of the Tenancy and during the Tenancy that may be charged to the Landlord.
- Letting, rent collection and renewal service for tenancies of 3 months or more (inclusive of applying for consents, key holding, notification of utility companies, rent statements to Landlord and/or accountant, negotiating dilapidations at the end of tenancy): 10% + VAT (12%)
- Letting and renewal service for tenancies 3 months or less: 15% + VAT (18%)
- Management, letting and renewal service: 15% + VAT (18%)
- Management only service: 5% + VAT (6%)
- Preparing and negotiating Tenancy Agreement (includes Tenancy Deposit Scheme memberships and deposit registration/certification): £264 inc VAT
- Preparing and negotiating renewal documents (includes DPS membership and re-certification): £132 inc VAT
- Decorating, refurbishment service: 10% of the cost of works + VAT (12%)
- Purchasing items on behalf of landlord (managed tenancies): 10% of the cost of the item (if over £200) + VAT (12%)
- Withdrawal of instructions/abortive charges advertising costs/photography as incurred, time-related costs as appropriate
- Submission of evidence to DPS for Landlord: £300 inc VAT
- Attending formal proceedings: £240 per hour inc VAT
- Payments by CHAPS: £25
Tenant Fees
Tenant fees (click here)